Small Subjects

Episode 37: Gary Baker, hair and Historex

July 20, 2023 Jim and Barry Season 3 Episode 37

In this episode, your hosts have a fascinating chat with British native, now San Diego-based painter and modeler Gary Baker. In addition to being big fans of his work, and agreeing that he’s one of the finest gents we’ve met in the hobby in recent years, we were eager to hear Gary’s thoughts about sculpting and painting hair—he’s a professional stylist and the creative director at UNITE Hair—and he made us think even more about how much character hair adds to a figure, as well as paying attention to the fine distinctions in hair styles in different eras. We’re used to focusing on uniforms and equipment and the way such change, even within the span of one conflict, but Gary got us going even deeper.

Barry and Jim are excited about the Historex group build that sprung from the enthusiasm of their listeners. They discuss what makes these little white plastic kits, made up of a bag of initially bewildering parts, so fun to work with.

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